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Prefigurative Architectures: pedagogical spaces


Nuevo Alberdi, Rosario (Argentina)


Principal Investigator

Dr. Leandro Minuchin



Jaime Cumpa

Konrad Kaltun

Joseph Smith

Samuel Holden 

Peter Chinnock

Eira Capelán


HSIF - University of Manchester

Manchester School of Architecture









Reclaimed concrete cylinders


Prefiguration entails the disruption of established patterns of socio-spatial organization in the present. A projection of future alternatives anchored and developed through experimentation. It presents the moment of materialisation as a means of instantiating alternative logics of association, exchange and knowledge production. 


The project sought to co-produce and build — together with social movement GIROS — alternative pedagogical spaces in the peripheries of Rosario, Argentina. Supported by the Humanities investment fund from the University of Manchester, a group of four student applied theories of prefiguration to develop a platform for primary school students in Nuevo Alberdi, on the Northwestern edge of Rosario, to learn about the Latin American city, processes of urbanisation and modes of cooperation in conditions of uneven geographical development. The students developed a series of alternatives, exploring different means of registering and recuperating local techno-popular knowledges. Initial iterations focused on the possibility of disseminating constructive technologies to adapt and expand existing dwelling structures. The final proposal and project revolved around the recuperation of two shipping containers and the construction of a covered learning area.

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